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What to Do if Antibiotics Don T Work for Tonsillitis

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1. Earache
What to do: Treat pain with an over-the-counter analgesic like acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn).

When to see a doctor: If you or your child has a fever above 100.4°; if there's any discharge from the ears; or if symptoms don't improve after two to three days. Check in with your M.D. sooner if the discomfort is severe.

2. Sore Throat
What to do: Soothe the irritation with ice chips, lozenges or moisture from a humidifier or vaporizer; you can also take an OTC pain reliever.

When to see a doctor: If symptoms don't improve after five days, or get worse after two to three. A fever over 100.4°, pus at the back of the throat, difficulty swallowing or recent contact with someone who has strep throat warrants a visit. Your doctor may take a swab from your throat, but advise you to hold off on antibiotics till results are in; if a culture is positive for strep, you'll need that antibiotic — but not necessarily a broad-spectrum one.

3. Sinusitis
What to do: Relieve pressure with a warm compress over your nose and forehead. OTC analgesics can help relieve pain. Use a decongestant, a saline nasal spray or steam from a hot shower or a clean humidifier to open up nasal passages.

When to see a doctor:If symptoms last seven days.

4. Bronchitis
What to do: Soothe your cough by taking OTC cough medicine, running a humidifier or breathing steam from a bowl of hot water or a hot shower. Call your M.D. to ask if you should come in.

When to see a doctor: Definitely get checked if your fever is above 100.4° or you're short of breath.

5. Pneumonia
What to do: If you suspect you may have pneumonia — you have breathing difficulties or chest pain, or you can't seem to shake a bad cough — you need to see your doctor right away. She will perform tests to confirm the diagnosis and determine if your infection is viral or bacterial.

Treatment: Bacterial pneumonia calls for antibiotics. If your infection is viral, your doctor may suggest cough medicine for comfort. But don't try to eliminate a cough altogether — it helps move fluid from your lungs. Drinking water and using a humidifier are also important.

Tip: If you need an antibiotic, take a probiotic, too.
In a 2012 review, researchers from the RAND Corporation found that probiotics — friendly bacteria that aim to protect against harmful bugs — can prevent diarrhea triggered by antibiotics. Many experts recommend a supplement or milk products containing Lactobacillus (acidophilus or LGG) and Bifidobacterium when you're taking antibiotics.

More about antibiotics and your health:

    Richard Laliberte is an award-winning veteran health journalist and former senior writer at Men's Health who writes for some of the nation's best-known magazines, blogs for, and has authored several books.

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    What to Do if Antibiotics Don T Work for Tonsillitis
