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Where Is the Nfc on Galaxy S7 Edge

You want to pay with your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge without your credit card or you want to transfer data from one mobile to another. It's super easy via NFC (Near Field Communication) technology. You can then transfer all data, such as contacts, selfies or videos, from your old mobile to your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. First, we will explain what NFC is and when you can use NFC. In a second step, we will teach you what to do to activate the NFC on your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. Finally, we will explain the solutions to you in the event that your NFC does not work.

activate the NFC samsung-galaxy-s7-edge

What is NFC on an android device?

NFC or even Near Field Communication corresponds to a technology for transferring information between 2 devices, often between a mobile and another device (smartphone, payment terminal, etc.). To transfer information, the 2 mobiles need to be physically close. Another example of NFC is going to be CB. The bank card generally contains a contactless payment (wifi logo on your card). This contactless payment uses NFC technology. NFC uses a chip to transfer data.

It is recommended to deactivate the NFC as soon as it is not in use, so that we cannot connect to your phone during close contact (metro, public transport, etc.).

When might we need NFC?

You can use the NFC in several situations:

  • payment with your dematerialized cb on your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
  • reading tags
  • data transmission between two mobile phones: restore your data from an old mobile, send photos to another smartphone, etc.

How to find out if you have NFC on your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge?

Any recent smartphones have NFC technology. If you want to check, it is necessary to slide down your home screen. Then it is necessary to check if you see the NFC icon.

nfc android phone

How to activate the NFC on Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge?

There are 2 ways to activate NFC, either using the home screen or in settings.

Activate NFC by reception

  • Slide from top to bottom
  • Secondly, look inside the various sliders for the NFC icon
  • Select the icon
  • And here is the NFC is active
how to activate nfc on an android smartphone

Activate NFC through settings

  • See you in the settings of your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
  • Secondly, click on Connections
  • And then activate the NFC
  • If you want to customize the NFC, click on NFC
  • enable nfc android beam

How to transfer data by NFC from your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge?

To transfer data from one mobile to another, the NFC must be activated but Android Beam also. With this in mind, activate the NFC in your settings as described previously, in the NFC settings, activate Android Beam.

For example to share a photo or videos via NFC

  • Open Gallery
  • Select the content to share
  • Select the share icon
  • Then try to find Android Beam
  • From this moment your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge will search for other devices that can receive your information by NFC
  • And then choose Tap to share
  • activate direct wifi on android smartphone
  • transfer photos using nfc

Another way to transfer data or print a document from your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is direct Wifi.

How to pay by NFC?

Do not hesitate to pay from your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, in the NFC tutorial. Your phone will use a sort of dematerialized credit card. It will be necessary to put payment choice applications like Google Pay, Paylib, etc. Then the vast majority of banks offer the possibility of their own contactless payment application via NFC.

Google pay allows you to record the bank details of certain banks (Boursorama, N26,…).

Paylib is also an app that allows you to pay electronically. Most of the banks ( Farm Credit , The Banque Populaire, The savings bank,…. ). You will need to request to activate this app from your bank.

What are the solutions if the NFC of my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is not working?

It sometimes happens that the NFC on your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge does not work. Here are some explanations below, which would explain why the NFC would not work:

  • Your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is too far from the second device
  • The NFC on your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge will not be activated
  • The other device does not have NFC technology

If you want other tutorials on your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, you can explore the other articles in the category: Samsung Galaxy Edge S7.

Where Is the Nfc on Galaxy S7 Edge
