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How to Make a Private Killing Floor 2 Server


Dockerfile for running a Killing Floor 2 server

  • GitHub:
  • Docker Hub:


2GB RAM and 20GB free disk space are essential. SSD recommended, otherwise map changes will take a long time. Disk space requirements will keep going up as updates are released.

RHEL Host Nodes

A couple of amendments specific to RHEL and any offshoots:

To allow an IPv4 address to be shared with containers on a RHEL host, you need to ensure that net.ipv4.ip_forward is enabled. This can be set using sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1. Afterwards, you must restart docker systemctl restart docker or service docker restart depending on if you are using init.d or systemd.

With docker -v mounts you can add :z to the end of the mount argument to add the relevant SELinux contexts to use the bind mount automatically. For example -v $HOME/kf2:/home/steam/kf2server becomes -v $HOME/kf2:/home/steam/kf2server:z.

Simple start

              mkdir -p $HOME/{kf2,kf2_steamdir} docker run -d -t --name kf2 -p \     -p \     -p \     -p \     -v $HOME/kf2:/home/steam/kf2server \     -v $HOME/kf2_steamdir:/home/steam/steam \     dwurf/docker-kf2:latest                          

Configuring the server

Configuration is done via environment variables. To run a long, hard server:

              docker run -d -t --name kf2 -p \     -p \     -p \     -p \     -v $HOME/kf2:/home/steam/kf2server \     -v $HOME/kf2_steamdir:/home/steam/steam \     -e KF_DIFFICULTY=1 \     -e KF_GAME_LENGTH=2 \     dwurf/docker-kf2:latest                          

Updating the server

Run with the command update

              docker run -d -t --name kf2 -p \     -p \     -p \     -p \     -v $HOME/kf2:/home/steam/kf2server \     -v $HOME/kf2_steamdir:/home/steam/steam \     dwurf/docker-kf2:latest \     update                          

Further arguments get passed to the update command, e.g.

              docker run -d -t --name kf2 -p \     -p \     -p \     -p \     -v $HOME/kf2:/home/steam/kf2server \     -v $HOME/kf2_steamdir:/home/steam/steam \     dwurf/docker-kf2:latest \     update -beta preview validate                          


Variable Default Description
KF_MAP KF-BioticsLab Starting map when the server is first loaded.
KF_DIFFICULTY 0 Game difficulty. * 0 - normal * 1 - hard * 2 - suicidal * 3 - hell on earth
KF_ADMIN_PASS secret Used for web console and in-game admin logins.
KF_GAME_PASS '' The password used to access the game. Setting this will make the server "private".
KF_GAME_LENGTH 1 The length of the game. * 0 - 4 waves * 1 - 7 waves * 2 - 10 waves
KF_GAME_MODE Survival The gametype to use. * Survival * VersusSurvival * WeeklySurvival * Endless
KF_PORT 7777 The game port (UDP) used to accept incoming clients. This is the port entered in the ingame console's open command.
KF_QUERY_PORT KF_PORT + 19238 The query port used to this server instance.
KF_MUTATORS '' If the mutators are correctly installed on the server they can be used like this: mutator=ClassicScoreboard.ClassicSCMut,KFMutator.KFMutator_MaxPlayersV2 Multiple mutators must be seperated with a ,
KF_SERVER_NAME KF2 The server name to display in the server browser.
KF_ENABLE_WEB false A boolean toggle for the web interface hosted on the KF_WEBADMIN_PORT (default 8080) If setting this to true, it's recommended you change the KF_ADMIN_PASS variable too.
KF_WEBADMIN_PORT 8080 The port used to access the web admin interface.
KF_DISABLE_TAKEOVER false Allows the server to be used by other players looking to create a private game when the server is uninhabited.
KF_BANNER_LINK http:\/\/\/TestItemIcons\/MOTDServer.png A link to a PNG file to display on the server welcome page. You must escape special characters.
KF_MOTD Welcome to our server. \n \n Have fun and good luck! A MOTD message to show under the banner image on the welcome page. You must escape special characters.
KF_WEBSITE_LINK http:\/\/ A website link shown at the bottom of the srver welcome page to allow the visitor to go to your site. You must escape special characters.
MULTIHOME_IP '' Sets the IP to run the server on in cases where it has been assigned multiple public IPs.

NOTE: Special characters are anything that sed considers special, so /, ^, , * etc. To escape the character, prepend \ before it as in the examples provided in the compose files and above.

Running multiple servers

  1. Ensure 'command' in docker-compose.yml is not present. Updates will be handled from the first server only.
  2. Change ports (increment), set environment variables to match
  3. Change server name (optional)

Update the volume mounts as follows:

Map the following read-only volume from server 1

  • $HOME/kf2:/home/steam/kf2server:ro \

Map the following read-write volumes

  • $HOME/kf2-server2/steam/:/home/steam/steam
  • $HOME/kf2-server2/kf2server/KFGame/Logs:/home/steam/kf2server/KFGame/Logs
  • $HOME/kf2-server2/kf2server/KFGame/Config:/home/steam/kf2server/KFGame/Config

These are only required for Steam Workshop maps (see below)

  • $HOME/kf2-server2/kf2server/Binaries/Win64/steamapps:/home/steam/kf2server/Binaries/Win64/steamapps
  • $HOME/kf2-server2/kf2server/KFGame/Cache:/home/steam/kf2server/KFGame/Cache

You must also copy the basic config files from server1

              mkdir -p $HOME/kf2-server2/kf2server/KFGame/Config cp -a $HOME/kf2/kf2server/KFGame/Config/* $HOME/kf2-server2/kf2server/KFGame/Config                          

Steam Workshop maps

Find the map you wish to use on the Steam workshop, for example [][]. Note the ID argument from the URL (1551913612) and the name of the map (KF-NachtDerUntoten_TraderPod) and add this to a game.yml file in the root directory using the custommaps property, like so:

              custommaps:   - name: "KF-NachtDerUntoten_TraderPod",     steamworksids:       - 1551913612                          

At runtime, the configuration files will be written and will include the map alongside the defaults. A number of things are possible to set for each map added. These are listed below:

Property Default Description
name N/A Must be set otherwise the configuration will not be generated. The name of the map you're adding, per it's name in the Cache directory of the server.
steamworksids N/A Must be set in order to download the map at runtime. An array of IDs provided to the KFEngine ini file to download the relevant map. This can be set to multiple things for accessibility.
mapfilename name The name of the file used for the KFMapSummary section mapname. Can be set differently for accessibility.
screenshot UI_MapPreview_TEX.UI_MapPreview_Placeholder The thumbnail image to use for the map.
playableInSurvival true Determines if the map can be played in survival mode.
playableInWeekly true Determines if the map can be played in weekly mode.
playableInEndless true Determines if the map can be played in endless mode.
playableInVsSurvival true Determines if the map can be played in vs survival mode.
playableInObjective true Determines if the map can be played in objective mode.
mapAssociation 1 Determines if the map is official (2) or custom (1). This should almost always be 1 but is settable for accessibility.

Building the image

              docker build -t dwurf/docker-kf2:latest .                          

Similar projects

  • KF1 server in Docker


  • Add support for running multiple KF2 servers from the one directory
  • Map logs and config to another volume(s)
  • This is docker, we shouldn't need logs (use docker logs) and config should be done via env variables (i.e. move the config file outside of the volume but it doesn't need to be exposed)
  • See also ConfigSubDir under
  • Add support for custom map cycles

How to Make a Private Killing Floor 2 Server
